1. Ingredients (1 finished plate)
- Mackerel: 1 fish about 600g
- Soy sauce: 5g
- Pork belly: 150 grams
- Fish sauce: 5g
- Fresh tea: 30 grams
- Pepper: 2g
- Sugar: 30g
- Fresh chili: 2 fruits
- Salt: 5g
2. Processing process
2.1. Prepare, cut, marinate
Prepare the mackerel clean, remove the intestines, remove the head, drain, cut into 4 pieces, marinate with sugar, fish sauce, pepper, salt, and leave for 15 minutes to absorb the spices.
Prepare the pork belly, cut it into pieces (about the size of an index finger), marinate with a little sugar and soy sauce.
Wash the fresh tea, boil 1 liter of water, let the tea steep for 10 minutes, filter the tea separately, then line the bottom of the pot with the tea leaves and place fish and meat on them.
2.2. Process
Put the fish saucepan on the stove and simmer until the fish absorbs the spices, then pour in the fresh tea, add seasoning, add fresh chili, continue to simmer until the fish is soft, the water is almost gone, then turn off the stove.
2.3. Present
Let the fish cool, put it on a plate, mix the fish and meat pieces, sprinkle pepper on top and decorate with a slice of chili.
3. Finished product requirements
- Condition: Fish and meat are cooked and tender, with a little water and a little viscosity.
- Color: Glossy yellow-brown fish.
- Taste: Has the aroma of fish meat and fresh tea, strong sweetness.
4. Some points to note:
- You can put the fish in the grill and then braise it. If you don't have soy sauce, use 10g brown melted sugar to color.
- Braising time is about 120 minutes. Do not place tea leaves on the fish dish after braising.
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